“I had a tremendous breakthrough on some childhood events and buried feelings that I had been carrying inside me for over 50 years. I felt free for the first time.”


Energy is everywhere…and Science is catching up to Spirit.

With an approach that includes body centered-awareness and hands-on therapies, I bring an essential spiritual dimension to your healing process. We uncover and release core issues that unconsciously block your experience of aliveness. In addition, working with the energies in your body allows you to bypass the defenses of the mind, and unlock the wisdom of the body.  Your healing process is greatly accelerated.

“Hi Adriana, I wanted to tell you that I got more out of your healing than 2 months of physical therapy. Thank you thank you thank you. And I did not one but two pushups today!  First time since, well, you know…..(the accident). I’m doing better every day and my attitude and mental state have greatly improved. I actually feel good and happy and positive most of the time.  Pretty amazing, huh?” Paul, East Hampton, 2022

Advanced Energy Healing combines leading-edge neuroscience with advanced therapeutic and energy-based techniques. Some of the modalities I use are listed below:

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Connect to Something Greater Than Yourself

Bring another dimension to your personal growth by opening to your Soul's love for you. What is your Higher Self asking of you in any given situation?  What is needed to open your heart to experience gratitude and forgiveness? How do we heal? Energy healing works with the intelligence and information stored in the subtle bodies of your energy field; Soul healing is inspired by a higher source.  Together they guide you on a path of transformation and personal growth. 


Let Your Body Unwind

Sometimes the only way we can move forward in our lives is by including the body in the process of self-examination. We'll practice compassionate self-awareness to release holding patterns enabling you to feel better physically as well as emotionally. CST releases tensions and stress allowing your body to relax and self-correct as it unwinds. By healing residual the effects of trauma, Somato-Emotional Release (SER) allows the body to release deeply held emotional pain gently and safely.

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Challenge Your Perspective

When we look at the world day in and day out we can develop assumptions about others and become limited in our point of view. Open yourself to greater empathy and compassion, respond differently, walk in anothers' shoes and watch how your relationships soften.  Counseling is essential to integrate, support and ground your healing experience giving you a cognitive and grounded understanding of patterns and limiting beliefs that have shifted in your session.


Be Kind to Yourself

Sound is powerful, So powerful in fact that creation stories often cite “In the beginning was the Word.” Word was the sound. Before coming into form creation was ‘called’ into form. Potent stuff. I use sound to uncouple the mind or mental state of the client from the body. To release the bound state into a state beyond the self into pure vibration. You deserve to experience the free state of no thought…no self….no problems.



See Unconscious Patterns

Imagine unwinding blockages in your personal and professional life, making space for a world of freedom? Through hands-off, intuitive readings of the energetic body as well as physical/business structures, I’m able to find old patterns and the underlying blockages that hinder transformation.

Over 30 years working with individuals, couples, and families…