It is my experience that life is not linear, in fact it is non-linear, multi-faceted and is filled with awe and mystery. For me the awe and wonder were held internally, privately for a long time. Coming from a chaotic and sometimes unsafe home I found a way to keep love and peace in my heart, because I had a spiritual connection from the beginning, always. It was my safe place. But I was unaware that I had split from pain that was too much for a child to process. I was safe but not whole.

When I left home to go to college I lost my way. The pain caught up with me and I coped by numbing out and blocking any inner guidance or connection to my feelings.  I lost my sense of purpose, and abandoned myself, over and over again.  I later realized I was numbing myself to the underlying pain, shame-based fear, and deep unworthiness that lay below the surface.

During that time I suffered from two serious illnesses and recovered my health by allowing myself to be guided by spirit. There was a lot more inner work to do but these two experiences were a glimpse into the power of consciousness and its role in healing. I began healing and unknowingly was on the path to becoming a healer.

Guided by inner wisdom to take each new step, I quit my job because it became painful not to live from my heart and my soul. I was led to my first teacher of advanced energy healing in Sedona Arizona where I spent the next 4 years.  The teaching opened me to the world of Energy Medicine.…at once new and deeply familiar. I was home. I knew deep down I was at an Ancient Mystery School, learning the secrets of how it works. I was experiencing the power of consciousness and focused awareness to open blocks. I witnessed intention and presence unwind deeply held patterns and I was able to facilitate the release of karmic and ancestral distortions with a compassion I didn’t know I had and my newly acquired healing skills.

I started my practice in 1992 and have continued to be compelled to study and experience the power and mystery of energy, life force, vibration, movement, sound and consciousness and how it relates to us individual beings with all our messy wonderful and fascinating complexity.

My commitment as a healer is to your spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. Having practiced for almost 30 years I have worked with people with all levels of issues and situations, from chronic conditions to acute trauma and traumatic events.

My private practice combines elements of energy healing with craniosacral therapy, sound healing and experiential therapy.  I have been privileged to witness my clients and students awaken and experience deeper parts of themselves countless times. 

I am in love with the power and mystery of energy healing and my greatest joy is to share it with you.



It was, and is, important to me that the premises of energy healing must also work and operate on all levels of our being. This conviction propelled me to explore other modalities, craniosacral therapy, sound healing and experiential therapies, where I found the holographic information in the energetic matrix to be consistent throughout. Form and consciousness are one with varying degrees of density but follow the same laws or principles.

I further continued my studies and graduated from the internationally acclaimed 4 year program, the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, deepening my understanding of the subtle energetic basis of health and healing.

To integrate my energy work at the physical level I studied Craniosacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute, the leading and ground-breaking school that trains practitioners in the use of the body's cranial fluid system to anatomically correct emotional and physical trauma.  I learned how to open the physical restrictions in the body to allow energetic access to the neo-cortex and limbic system of the brain, which is essential for healing trauma.

As an adjunct to physiological and energetic methods, I have incorporated psychological counseling into my practice.  I learned about family systems as well as relationship dynamics in my studies of Psychodrama and Experiential Therapy with a leading practitioner and teacher, Dr Tian Dayton. 

Along the way I have become a certified yoga instructor which I add to my meditation classes because yoga opens the subtle energy channels of the body which then deepens your meditation practice.

And I am so blessed to have discovered the power of sound healing. I find the use of crystal healing bowls and sound frequencies work cellularly, bringing people into deeper non-linear states of consciousness.

I am a seeker and a healer, a student and a teacher and forever grateful for the love and support in my life.

Be blessed,
